Safeguarding 7 of 7

7. Code of Conduct- Spectators and Parents/Carers (Development Football)

Play your part and support The FA’s Code of Respect:

- Have Fun; its what we are all here for.
- Celebrate effort and good play from both sides.
- Always respect the Referee and coaches and encourage players to do the same.
- Stay behind the touchline and within the Designated Spectators Area
- When players make a mistake, offer them encouragement to try again next time.
- Never engage in, or tolerate offensive, insulting, or abusive behaviour.

I Understand that if I do not follow the code, I may be:

- Issued with a verbal warning or asked to leave
- Required to meet with the club leadership, league, or CFA Welfare officer
- Obliged to undertake an FA Education course
- Required not to attend future games, be suspended, or may have my membership removed.
- Required to leave the club along with any dependents and/ or issued a fine.


Code of Conduct - Spectators and Parents/ Carers
