Volunteer Opportunities 5 of 5

5. Non-Playing Volunteers

Volunteers for positions that are not related to the actual playing side of the club.

Coordinated by the Social Secretary (see Committee), the club needs;

Sponsorship Manager, to gather interest from local businesses to support the club financially - currently undertaken by Simon Knight.

Fundraising Manager, to organise events aimed at raising funds - currently undertaken by Simon Knight.

Merchandise Manager, to source and supply merchandise to members and interested parties - currently undertaken by Simon Knight.

Marketing Manager, to promote the rugby club within the local and wider community - currently no one undertakes this role.

Social Media, to keep track of the clubs social media platforms posting regular and relevant information - currently undertaken by Ed Merry.

Webmaster, to maintain the club website - currently undertaken by Ed Merry.

The roles and responsibilities of these positions can be found here; Click Me


Email for more information