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London Hockey Clubs - Why HWHC is your first choice
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3. London Hockey Clubs - Why HWHC is your first choice

When it comes to hockey clubs in London there are a lot of options. But at Hampstead and Westminster Hockey Club, we believe there's only one that stands out as the best choice.

As the most central hockey club in London and one of the largest hockey clubs in the country HWHC is an excellent choice. Whether you're starting out in the sport, looking to get back into hockey after years out of the action or you are an international player looking to join our club - we would love to hear from you.

Whether you live in the North, South East or West of London suburbs, talk to us before you consider joining your nearest club.

HWHC is your go-to hockey club in London because you could:

  • Choose from one of our relaxed social hockey teams
  • Try out for a competitive national level team to compete against the best clubs in England and Europe
  • Learn from leading international players who coach lower league teams
  • Make friends within a 350-strong club of professionals from all walks of London life - from students to CEOs

If we're not able to offer you a place at HWHC, you can check out other London clubs on the England Hockey website.

Good luck finding the best club for you. Wherever you choose we look forward to seeing you on a pitch sometime soon!

If you want to find our more about HWHC and if the club is a good fit for you, please get in touch via the Contact page. You can also come and meet us on our annual Club Day in August/September each year. Check the website Calendar for updates.