Code of Ethics
Clubs Code 3 of 7

3. Code of Ethics

Kingswood Castle FC does not discriminate or tolerate discrimination against any volunteer, club member, coach, player, supporter, staff member or opponent on the basis of race, colour, cultural heritage, national origin, religion, age, sex, sexual orientation, marital status, physical or mental disability, political affiliation, membership of the travelling community or any other status protected under the constitution & laws of Ireland.

This policy extends to all club personnel & any other persons with whom Club personnel may come into contact with Kingswood Castle FC, we do not tolerate harassment for any reason. Respect for the dignity of others shall be the guiding principle for our relations with each other & with all others.

Any volunteer, Club member, coach, Manager, Player, supporter or staff member that feels someone is not adhering to the Kingswood Castle FC Code of Ethics & Conduct may be reported to our Committee. They may be brought before the Committee & ultimately may receive a suspension or expulsion from our Club.

Kingswood Castle FC adopts a zero-tolerance policy against all forms of discrimination, bigotry or racism & will at all times strive to uphold the true values of sportsmanship for which our club is known.

Many thanks..

Timor omnis, qui timebunt.
(Respect all, fear none.)
Kingswood Castle FC
Est. 2013


Show Racism The Red Card
