The Welsh Football Trust who run grass roots football in Wales have a great. Their website has lots of useful information.
Click Here for videos on the rules for different age groups
The Referee must not coach their players, as soon as you take the whistle you must be neutral
Parents and supporters must only say positive things and never shout at the referee. The atmosphere at games is greatly improved by the adults enjoying and applauding good play from both teams.
If players are injured the game must stop. The restart will be with a drop ball unless a free kick or other stoppage has been awarded.
All free kicks are indirect.
There are no penalties. Many handballs will happen, particularly in a player's first season, try and let them go unless they gain a significant advantage.
Pitch inspections must occur before each time the pitches are used.
Holes in the pitch should be filled (keep a small spade in your car).
The spade can also be used for removing dog poo from the pitches.
You have a legal responsibility to visually inspect the pitches to ensure they are safe every time you use them. It only takes a few minutes and could save a nasty injury. You can't spot everything (one of my players found a thick piece of wire once) but the more foreign objects we can remove the better..
If there are deep puddles either mark the pitch out on dryer ground or call the match off.
If the ground is too frozen to 'take a stud' then call the game off (agreement should be made with the other teams). Don't take risks with players safety. It is very frustrating to get a team of players to the park to find you can't play (this will happen a few times every season) but don't give in to pressure. There is always next week.
Your bag for match day should include the following:
First Aid Kit - check it for supplies, if you need bits the club will get you a refill.
Spare Chin pads, all players must wear them.
Bibs for a colour clash
Cones for marking a pitch (sometimes you can't see the lines)
The club will buy you all of these items from Subs.
In the winter take a broom for sweeping puddles out of the way (very handy for goal mouths).
Your summer training posts will be handy for marking out a new pitch (U9, U10 and U11) if the marked pitches are waterlogged.
Try and keep good relationships with the other teams, different refs have different interpretations of the rules but don't fall out over it.
If there is an indecent that you wish to report try and get an independent witness to verify your account. Remember we are there for the kids to have fun in a low pressure safe environment.
Make sure everyone involved with your team, particularly the Parents understand our objective regarding safe friendly football.
Shouting at players never helps, let them learn from situations on the pitch, fix problems in training.
Registration - Players must be registered to play, this give some cover under the Leagues insurance. Registration cards are available from Nigel or any of the committee. You need a photocopy of the players birth certificate or passport to prove the year of birth and a photo to attach to the card. The completed card, signed by the player with the photo attached needs to be signed by Nigel Williams and then passed to the League for registering. Not too bad when you get used to it.
There is a registration evening, normally at St Albans Rugby club in August where you can register your team on the night. The best option is to get all the cards ready before the summer holidays and post them to the league with the required forms (available from Nigel).
Parents are really quick to get the bits required when they know their kid can't play without registration. Training without registration is OK because the club has it's own insurance.
Friendlies - we need permission from the league for these. Normally easy to arrange with a bit of notice. Contact a committee member.
The Welsh Football trust have made massive progress in improving mini football.
Good luck and have fun.