What age can my child begin to play rugby?
The RFU continuum states that Children can only play competitive rugby [fixture/festival/tournament] from the age of 6. However we offer training for all children who attend Primary School and the minimum age being 5.
When do you train?
The mini section of New Milton RFC train and play matches on Sunday mornings between 10:00hrs and midday. This age group is Reception to Year 7 inclusive. The season usually begins the first weekend of September and finishes the last weekend of April.
Where do you train?
We train at Ashley Recreation Ground, Normans Way, Ashley. We do sometimes play at other venues for fixtures and festivals as detailed in our fixtures list which the age group manager will have.
Which age group should my child be in?
Yr. 1 U6s Tag
Yr. 2 U7s Tag
Yr. 3 U8s Tag
Yr. 4 U9s Contact
Yr. 5 U10s Contact
Yr. 6 U11s Contact
Yr. 7 U12s Contact
What age do they start tackling?
Children start tackling in the U9 age group. Contact/tackling is part of the game. Our coaches will have received the necessary training to ensure the skills required of the children to tackle is delivered prior to them taking part in a fixture or festival where they will be required to tackle.
Can Girls Play Rugby?
Absolutely. They train and play alongside the boys all the way through Mini/Midi rugby until they reach Year 8 and then they can join the girl’s rugby squad.
What should my child wear?
For training children should wear comfortable clothing that is suitable for the weather conditions on the day, this is particularly important in poor weather.
Shorts, rugby shirt, jumper, tracksuit bottoms, trainers [when first starting out] or boots are all acceptable. However their clothing should not have any zips.
We recommend the use of football or rugby boots with studs and preferably not blades. Studs should be British standard with a Kite mark. If blades are used then they must comply with the requirements of the RFU (Rule 4).
For fixtures and festivals they should wear a club kit, rugby shirt [preferably the latest one], shorts, socks and boots as per the clubs colours -
This can be purchased online NMRFC online shop VX3
(If it is cold I advise a thermal long sleeved vest and under shorts).
All players should come adequately equipped to cope with the weather conditions that can occur during the winter months. If players are freezing, they are unlikely to enjoy themselves and may be put off mini rugby so please ensure your child is dressed appropriately for the conditions.
Does my child need a mouth guard [gum shield]?
It is advisable that they wear a mouth guard from the time they start playing even if it is Tag rugby, and mouth guards are compulsory as soon as they start to tackle from the U9s.
You should note that if they do not have a mouth guard with them from the U9s age group up they will not be allowed to play.
A boil and bite or a dentist made mouth guard is acceptable and the choice is down to the parent/guardian/carer
Does my child need a scrum cap?
No, scrum caps are not compulsory and it is choice of the parent/guardian/carer.
Are rugby gloves recommended?
Rugby gloves have no safety benefits so this is purely optional although, woolly gloves are not allowed as they are slippery.
What does my child need to bring with them for training/matches?
Firstly they require a parent/guardian/carer to be present.
We would recommend they have a healthy drink [water is perfectly suitable, avoid fizzy drinks or drink with high sugar content].
They should be dressed appropriately for the weather conditions and have something warm to wear while they are not playing, a change of clothing if weather is inclement, and a small healthy snack for the end of the game.
What are the membership costs?
Currently £75 a year. This will include a playing shirt for mini players and an after match polo shirt for junior players.
How do the subscriptions get spent?
The money from subscriptions goes towards a variety of things such as coach education through RFU courses, club equipment, paying for entry to festivals, player’s meals after matches etc. It is also to ensure the club is solvent and managed in a way that we continue to provide a competitive rugby environment, and are able to effectively develop young people and adult’s rugby skills in the local community.
When do I have to pay?
New players get 3 free taster sessions before payment is due, although affiliation on the RFU Game Management System need to be completed immediately.
Parents of previously affiliated players will be expected to update their child's details on GMS and payment to be made via SPOND at the earliest opportunity upon the start of the new season so their child is then eligible to play in a fixture/festival.
Without a valid affiliation at the start of every season, your child will not be able to train or play in a fixture or festival.
Anyone requiring assistance in paying membership fees as a result of personal/family financial circumstances should approach their manager, Youth Chair or a member of the Committee to discuss their situation.
That discussion will be dealt with discreetly and in some cases the Committee will authorise financial assistance with the membership fee/s through the club’s Welfare Fund.
Volunteering - I am interested in helping, how can I get involved?
The Mini Section at New Milton RFC is run by people just like you and many hands make light work. We would be delighted to accept any willing volunteers’ assistance.
If you are interested in helping children get more from rugby and becoming a vital part of the New Milton RFC volunteering set up, then please contact your child’s age group manager or the Youth Chair.
As a club we are very reliant on volunteers and this can be in many differing guises, so you will be approached many times while your child is with the club, and getting involved can be very rewarding, whatever the task.
Can I leave my child in the care of the coach and leave the club grounds during training?
Certainly not!
One responsible adult must be in attendance all the time unless otherwise arranged for another responsible adult to take charge with the parent, carer or guardian’s prior consent.
The coach or admin/manager cannot be responsible should the child need your urgent attention or for other reasons. This is mandatory in order to comply with RFU continuum, Child Welfare and our Insurance.
Going for a refreshment or toilet break are of course acceptable provided someone is made aware of your mobile number, location and has been entrusted to supervise your child in your absence or you take your child with you.
Coaches and managers cannot take legal responsibility for those players whose parents leave them during training sessions, fixtures and festivals If a parent/guardian/carer has to leave the ground for any reason during a training session, fixture or festive they should appoint a fellow parent to be responsible for their child.
Boot / Studs
Studs with jagged edges pose a serious danger to other players, particularly in the older age groups where there is more likelihood of players lying on the ground.
Unless boots have moulded plastic soles, it is important that studs are examined regularly to ensure missing and or damaged studs are replaced and rough edges smoothed. Boots/studs must also comply with IRB regulations 4.3.
If any player suffers a knock which results in momentary unconsciousness, confusion, memory loss or unsteadiness, then there is evidence of concussion injuries.
The player in question should be taken from the field of play. Please note that in any event, irrespective of their age, in some cases of a head injury resulting in concussion the player will not be allowed to return to playing rugby until they have been fully assessed by a medical profession. There is excellent advice and guidance available on the RFU website, please see link details below:
Tetanus injection
You may want to discuss with your GP and they will be able to advise if your child should have a preventative course of tetanus injections.
Medical or Other Conditions
If players have a particular condition such as asthma or diabetes which may affect their playing, please inform your respective head coach or manager and ensure this is recorded on your child’s membership form under the medical section.
Touchline Behaviour
New Milton RFC will not tolerate poor touchline behaviour. Spectators and coaches alike MUST NOT enter the field of play without the referee's permission whilst a game of rugby is in progress unless there are exceptional circumstances. Poor behaviour on the touchline is no more acceptable than poor behaviour on the pitch.