On Boxing Day Shelley played a friendly match against Shepley. Shepley were then in the 1st Division and would end the season as Champions and Cup winners.
The following report appeared in the Huddersfield Chronicle Saturday 31st December:-
Boxing day was a Derby day at Shepley, the homesters trying conclusions with their neighbours from Shelley.
There was a large number of enthusiastic spectators present.
The homesters scored , after the game had been in progress about ten minutes and this was the only goal scored up to half time.
The visitors played well during the first half, and there was little to choose between the teams. After the early portion of the second half, however, the homesters outclassed their opponents, and put on three more goals. The goals for the homesters were scored by H. Brammah (2), R. Hinchliffe, and H. Mellor.