TCRUFC Rules and Code of Conduct 2 of 4

2. Code of Conduct

All Members are expected to abide by the laws of the Rugby Football Union Lancashire Rugby Football Union (RFU) and this Club and to support or play in the spirit of good sportsmanship and fair play.

It is expected that all Members and players shall:

- Pay all fees and monies owing by the date stated in the Minutes of the Thornton Cleveleys TCRUFC AGM
- Wear the Club socks, shorts and shirts whilst playing for TCRUFC
- Carry out, set up, cleaning, water boy and after match duties when either rostered to do so or if asked at any other time
- Comply with all RFU and Lancashire RFU laws
- Adhere to the Club's selection policy
- Not to behave in any manner that may bring the good name of the Club into disrepute or to the financial detriment of the Club
- Abide by any disciplinary decision decided upon by the Committee for breach of the code of conduct subject to appeal

Examples of misconduct are:
- deliberately causing or attempting to cause injury to any other player, official or spectator
- insulting opponents
making remarks to the referee, assistant referees or opposition supporters
- deliberately feigning injury
- taking property belonging to Members, opponents their Club or the public
- public criticising the referee by the media
- playing under the influence of alcohol and/or the influence of drugs
- making racial or racist remarks
behaving in a way likely to cause offence, loss, injury or damage to any person Club or organisation or their property while at or travelling to or from any Club or fixture

All Members should accede to all reasonable requests of Club Officers, Committee Members and officials or their nominees made in pursuant of their responsibilities.