TCRUFC Rules and Code of Conduct 3 of 4

3. Disciplinary Policy

The Club is bound by the Laws and Byelaws of the Rugby Football Union (RFU) including in particular those relating to misconduct and dangerous play and will take appropriate action under these Laws in case of any player whose conduct on the field is unacceptable

The Club has a Disciplinary Committee with full delegated powers from the Executive Committee to implement the Club's policy and take any necessary action against individual players or Members.

The Disciplinary Committee comprises:
Rugby Chairman, First Team Captain, Second Team Captain, First Team Manager, a Principal officer of the Executive Committee.

The Rugby Chairman will chair the meeting. In his absence the Members attending the meeting shall nominate a Chairman.

A quorum comprises three Members. In the event of a tied decision the Chairman of the disciplinary hearing shall have a casting vote.

Any Club member or player who is accused of breaching any of the RFU laws, code of conduct or the Club's code of conduct will furnish the Committee with an explanation in writing within seven days of being notified. They may then be requested to appear before the Disciplinary Committee and in the absence of any written explanation the Member will be called before the Committee.

Where disciplinary action is necessary the Club will do all in its power to establish the facts and act fairly in the interests of the sport, the Club and the player. Witnesses will be required to give their account in writing and to appear before the Disciplinary Committee if necessary. Any person requested to appear before the Disciplinary Committee shall be entitled to attend with a representative.

The Disciplinary Committee has power to impose such sanction as is considered appropriate.

Any Member considering their sanction unjust has the right to appeal to the Executive Committee in writing within seven days of the Disciplinary Committee's decision.