Constitution 1 of 3

1. Constitution 1

Affiliated to the Football Association of Wales


7th June 2010
1.0 The club shall be called Glan Conwy Football Club and shall be affiliated to both the Football Association of Wales and the North Wales Coast Football Association.
1.1 The club may consist of a number of teams who may play in different
leagues, at both senior and junior level, but will always remain as one club.
2.0 The club shall be governed by an Executive Committee on behalf of the General Committee. The Executive will consist of a Chairman, Vice-Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer and others who may be co-opted by invitation. The General Committee shall consist of the Executive and other club members as necessary.
2.1 The following officers shall be elected bi-annually by those members attending the Annual General Meeting: Chairman, Vice-Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer.
2.2 Membership of Glan Conwy FC shall be by means of application together with a nominal annual subscription. Any player, signed by the club will automatically become a member. Only fully paid up members are entitled to vote at AGMs and SGMs.
3.0 That the funds of the club shall be lodged in a bank that is approved by the Executive Committee, in the name of the club. All cheques and withdrawals from the account shall be signed by the Chairman, Treasurer or Secretary, who will provide the two signatories necessary.
3.1 That the Treasurers accounts for each year shall be audited by the Executive Committee annually prior to the Annual General Meeting, and presented at the Annual General Meeting.
3.2 The Chairman, Treasurer and Secretary, for the time being, shall be the trustees for and on behalf of the Club, of all assets, trophies, monies, equipment and/or other property which may come into possession of the club.
4.0 The Executive Committee shall have jurisdiction over all matters, whether specifically provided for in these rules or not. They shall have the power to appoint any Sub-Committee they consider necessary and may delegate all or any of their powers to such Sub-Committee, but such delegation of powers shall be duly expressed by minute.
4.1 Each member of the Executive Committee shall be entitled to one vote. In the event of a tie, the Chairman shall exercise the casting vote.
4.2 Any meeting shall be void and cancelled, if there are less than four members present, two of which must be from the Executive Conmmittee.
4.3 Any infringement of the club rules shall be dealt with in such manner as the Executive Committee think fit.
4.4 The Executive and General Committee shall meet at regular intervals as deemed necessary, to carry out the administration and business of the club in an efficient manner.
5.0 The Annual General Meeting will, where possible, be held the 1st (first) week in
June each year. Official notice will be given to all officials of the club, members and supporters. Notice will also be published in the local press.
5.1 No new rule shall be made or any of the foregoing altered or rescinded, unless ten days notice thereof, specifying such alterations(s) be given in writing to the Secretary of the club requesting such change, following receipt of the official notification of the Annual General Meeting, which will be issued thirty days (or one calendar month) before the appointed day.
5.2 Any such change to the rules must be approved by not less than a two-thirds vote, of those entitled to vote at the Annual General Meeting.
6.0 Team Managers shall be appointed annually by the Executive Committee and they will be responsible to the Executive Committee for the organisation and administration of the team to which they are allocated, including the safekeeping of kit and property, safety, discipline and well being of players.
6.1 Each team must consist of a sixteen players to be known as a squad, that are . eligible by age qualification to play for that particular team, according to specific . league rules, No player is to participate in competitive competition who is not . registered with club or respective league.