Constitution 2 of 3

2. Constitution 2

6.2 Managers are responsible for maintaining a squad of sixteen players throughout the season, also for the overall performance, morale and success of the team.
6.3 All correspondence and/or communication with the leagues must be referred to the club secretary. Matters regarding objections or complaints to or from the leagues must be handled by the club secretary, who must be notified immediately after the match concerned.
6.4 The managers will collect and record any weekly subscriptions received from the players, at the rate agreed from time to time by the executive committee.
6.5 A first-aid kit will be provided and maintained by the club, which must be available at all matches. The contents are for emergency use only and MUST BE CLEAN and properly 'stocked' at all times. The club secretary will arrange re-provisioning, on request.

7.0 Playing members may be recruited in line with League regulations by . completion of the appropriate league forms.
7.1 Players will be provided with club kit on match days. Players must provide their own personal footwear and protective equipment.
7.2 Club kit must be used carefully to preserve the 'life' and appearance, at all times. Players must comply with the club rules and any lawful request made by the club officials. Misconduct may result in suspension or expulsion from the club.
8.0 Registered players and team managers, whilst they are engaged in organised matches, training sessions and in transit to and from matches will be insured in line with Football Association of Wales requirement. Players are always advised to review the level of cover in line with their own personal requirements.
8.1 Cover will be provided for trophies that are the property of the club and also those “on loan” for a limited period.