Constitution 3 of 3

3. Constitution 3

9.0 The club shall keep minutes giving a true record of all resolutions adopted
by its members and decisions arrived at by the committees. The club shall also keep accounts showing the detail of income and expenditure. These documents shall be available at all committee meetings.
10.0 A special meeting may be convened for the purpose of considering a change or addition to the club rules herein and must be made in writing to the club secretary and supported by two-thirds of the membership or at the discretion of the chairman. Any such change to the rules must be approved by not less than a two-thirds vote, of those entitled to vote.
The club secretary shall call the necessary Special Meeting by giving each member at least seven days clear notice, of the time and venue for the meeting and shall describe the proposal(s) and therefore no deviation from this shall be allowed at this meeting other than to approve or amend the proposal.
11.0 The club will play to the Laws of the Football Association of Wales.
12.0 Every member of the club will conduct themselves in such a manner in order to , avoid bringing disrepute to the club at all times.

Declaration of interest – no member of the club or committees may utilise their . position for personal benefit and must declare any interest prior to debate on any . decision to be made by committee and withdraw from debate as required by . committee and not be entitled to vote with regard to the subject.