Club Policies 10 of 11

10. London Scottish Rugby Club Changing Room and Showers Policy (Minis, Juniors and Lions)

London Scottish Rugby Club Changing Room and Showers Policy (Minis, Juniors and Lions)


London Scottish Rugby Club is committed to providing a safe, respectful, and comfortable environment for all members and guests. Our Changing Room and Showers Policy is designed to uphold these standards, adhering to Rugby Football Union (RFU) guidelines, and ensuring the privacy and dignity of everyone using these facilities.


This policy applies to all players, coaches, officials, volunteers, and guests using the changing room and shower facilities at our club.

Policy Details

Access and Usage
Changing rooms and showers are to be used only by players, coaches, officials, and designated volunteers involved in training or matches.
Access by non-participants or spectators is strictly prohibited unless they have a specific role and have been granted access by the club management, adhering to all safeguarding procedures.

Safety and Supervision
For teams with members under 18, a minimum of two DBS-checked adults must be present when the facilities are being used. These adults must be the same gender as the players (where possible) and should supervise without compromising the privacy of young players.
Children under the age of 16 should not use changing facilities alone and must be accompanied by an appropriate adult.

All individuals have the right to privacy in changing rooms and showers. Members and guests are expected to respect this right and behave appropriately at all times.
Photography, video recording, and the use of mobile phones with camera capabilities are strictly prohibited in changing areas and shower facilities.

Facility Care
Users are expected to treat the changing rooms and showers with respect, keeping them clean and reporting any damages or concerns to the club staff immediately.
Personal belongings should be kept secure at all times. The club is not responsible for lost or stolen items but will provide lockers or secure storage areas where possible.

All users are encouraged to maintain high standards of hygiene. Showers should be used before and after training or matches to promote cleanliness and reduce health risks.
Proper attire, such as flip flops or shower shoes, should be worn in the shower area to prevent foot infections.

Respectful and considerate behaviour is expected from all individuals using the changing rooms and showers. Inappropriate conduct, including but not limited to bullying, harassment, or any form of abuse, will not be tolerated and will be subject to disciplinary action.

Reporting Concerns
Any concerns about the changing rooms or shower facilities, or breaches of this policy, should be reported immediately to the Club Welfare Officer or any club official.

Review and Enforcement
This policy will be regularly reviewed and updated as necessary to ensure it remains effective and aligned with current RFU guidelines and best practices.
Compliance with this policy is mandatory for all users of the changing room and shower facilities at London Scottish Rugby Club.

This Changing Room and Showers Policy ensures that all members and guests of London Scottish Rugby Club can use these facilities safely and comfortably. By adhering to this policy, we uphold the values of respect and dignity for all, contributing to the positive environment of our club.