History 5 of 33

5. 2019/2020

2019/2020 Season

Firstly, the whole Club needs to say a BIG thank you to our retiring Coach, Roddy Yapp. In mid-season Roddy took the decision to complete the 2018/19 season then to retire, with our good wishes. Roddy has been superb in initially bringing us all together, then overseeing the development of individual players and forging a strong bond to the squad that has seen strong friendships formulate. The Club presented Roddy with a Plaque at the Dinner Dance to mark our gratitude for his two-stints as Coach. The difficult search for a replacement commenced.

The Club were fortunate with the appointment of Dave Howard, originally from this area, but working in Norfolk and now looking to resettle back in his hometown of Stourport. The season started promisingly as new Coach Dave Howard arrived with enthusiasm and a determination to succeed. He in turn was delighted to discover a squad of young, exuberant and talented players, eager for moulding into a game plan.

A great pre-season culminated in a prestige friendly against Bourneville 2nd XV on their 4G synthetic surface and sharing 2-tries apiece, the 10-14 result was just reward in a very tight game. The only blot on the season’s landscape, was the forthcoming wedding of one of the players on a designated League date, that threatened to take so many players out of selection, we would be unable to raise a side. Forward planning was able to avert the potential to de-rail the Midlands 3 West (North) League programme and an approach to Edwardians RFC who agreed to bring the match forward to a weekend before the League programme commenced. This agreement saw another very close encounter with a narrow 20-18 victory to Cleobury on a hot late summer afternoon. Another home win against Willenhall 1st XV, before a defeat to Eccleshall 1st XV, followed by two more wins and a defeat on an extremely wet game at Harborne RFC completed October. At Christmas the League table showed a 7-wins & 4-defeats and 5th position with hopes of a finish close to the top. The deluge of rain in January was hinting at the inundation to follow, but a couple of early wins allowed the double over Edwardians RFC, followed by an away win at Eccleshall RFC and then leading 24-10 away to Handsworth RFC before things began to unravel. An unfortunate injury to a home player caused a delay and ultimate abandonment of that match, but the ‘next available Saturday’ was only 2-weeks away. With weather conditions difficult and several players members of frontline services and having to work, the rearranged match was going to be difficult to fulfil, so an appeal was launched. Although this appeal was ultimately lost, it caused the postponement of that date and when the game was eventually played, we felt justice was served with a convincing bonus point victory. Then the Covid-19 Coronavirus pandemic outbreak struck……… The season ceased immediately and the subsequent RFU decision was to void the season and hopefully everyone will be able to recommence next September…………...

During the truncated season there was only sufficient time for four matches for the Development XV with 2-victories and 137-points scored. With a consistent squad over these games, it is hoped to continue this next season. A close defeat to Worcester Wanderers 2nd XV in a game of 91-points scored, a narrow victory over Bishops Castle, before a heavy win over Stourport and a heavy loss to Church Stretton.

The final League Table does show Cleobury Mortimer in 6th place with a game in hand and after 17-games a 10-7 split of results (one awarded v Linley RFC at the start of the Covid-19 outbreak). The 1st XV actually played 18-matches in total with a total of 358-points and 43-tries. The total points scored by both teams of 495 was excellent in a season cut short by almost 2-months. Alex Sparks finished as Top Points Scorer (132-points with 3-tries, 30-conversions, 18-penalties & 1-drop goal). Top Try Scorer was shared between Harry Parker (7) & Sam Sutton (7), followed by Tom Leach (6), Josh Winfield (5) & Sam Bills (5). All the players need to be congratulated on their efforts and determination shown this season. In a hard-fought League campaign, the feelings and mood of the camp were very positive.

At a time of national crisis, it is hoped that everyone is staying safe. These are very difficult times that will be affecting everyone, and as such, difficult decisions were having to be made all over the world and not just in sport.

Normally as the end of the season approaches, we have time to thank all the people that have supported the Club, from our sponsors and supporters, our volunteers and back-room staff. Without this consistent help from everyone involved, we would not be able to achieve what we do. As we all know our season has come to an abrupt conclusion and it’s difficult for everyone that the season has finished so suddenly. The RFU have publicly committed to a review to decide the outcome of the leagues, and this will be concluded by mid-April to allow a fair and balanced outcome, so we might yet find Clee Hill promoted as their League position surely justifies. When restrictions are lifted and everything is safe, we do intend to organise an Awards Presentation Evening and Pig Roast, to get everyone back together again for a celebration.

In the meantime, please stay safe and look out for your families, as well as the most vulnerable in society at this difficult time. We will get through this together and see each other at the other side of this pandemic………...