History 9 of 33

9. 2015/2016

2015/2016 Season

A case of ‘after the Lord Mayors show’ as that level of commitment and effort of last season, could not have been repeated without a full summer of rest. Rugby World Cup 2015 during the Autumn meant the domestic season had start earlier than usual and we were not ready for the campaign. A lack of available numbers and particularly Front Row players, conceded matches in the North Mids Cup in August, the National Cup in September and the first Midlands 3 West (North) League game away to Newcastle (Staffs) RFC. Consequently, that non-attendance meant a 5-point deduction and the match still had to be played later in the season. The actual first game of the season was at home to Tamworth RFC in early October, a very tight affair but after leading by 3-points going in to the final 10-minutes, tiredness caused a loss of possession and 2-penalties conceded to turn a 13-10 victory into a 13-16 defeat. The slow start and lack of match practice was to prove crucial as these first two league opponents were to prove to be the two promoted teams in the Division at the end of the season.

In the meantime, Rugby World Cup 2015 continued with plenty to watch on TV and live matches. In RFU consultation after the event we were asked what impact such a massive world tournament had on player recruitment at community Clubs like Cleobury Mortimer RFC. They asked if it had left a legacy of more people playing the sport? My response surprised them! At Level-8 we were grateful when the global event was over, so we could all get back to playing! As a spectator the event it was fantastic, the organisation excellent, as was the opportunity to watch good matches both live and on TV. However, as a small Club with scarce playing resources we struggled to raise a side consistently and people seemed to prefer to watch with a beer rather than play!

When the global event finished (or at least England’s participation in it) our season could start! By which time we were behind the gain line for the Midlands 3 West (North) title! Our first 2-matches proved to be against the two teams that eventually proved to be the top two! We failed to play the first and in the second managed to narrowly lose from a winning position due to lack of match fitness! In the couple of months to Christmas a couple routine League victories against opponents who would eventually find themselves towards the bottom of the table, managed to restore confidence, spirit and enthusiasm, before local rivals Ludlow RFC came to town. The need to front up for a tough game was obvious. As it turned out Ludlow were shorn of a couple of players and were resoundingly beaten 40-22. Followed almost immediately by a visit to Clee Hill RFC, always a very difficult place to go. As expected in a tight game we were losing 3-7 going into the last play of the game and one last move to try and salvage something saw Dave Shorter put in at the corner to win the game with the conversion to follow. A further couple of routine victories against mid table opponents so that by Christmas the 1st XV had played 10-matches and despite the early concessions, had only lost the opener to sit in the top 3 or 4 of the table and the season was back on track.

Though the second half of the season featured some more difficult encounters and teams that had been beaten on our home patch were remarkably different proposition away, it was the loss of our leader and focal point that had a more detrimental effect. Captain Willie Bache had taken on the role despite an impending operation due in the spring but wasn’t quite expecting the personal and family issues that had a wider effect from Christmas. So, other players had to step up to the mark, Vice-Captain Josh Phillips took on the role and then suffered a season-ending injury himself, so the ‘poisoned chalice’ position of 1st XV Captaincy was taken up by Paul Hulland and Tom Leach.

The loss of our leader meant we lost the galvanising effect and with a few who were injured or working resulted in more 2nd XV players having to step up and fill gaps, often in unfamiliar positions. This post-Christmas period saw 6-wins and 6-defeats and Clee Hill RFC managed avenge that pre-Christmas result with their 12-8 win at our home pitch. The last match of the season was away to Ludlow RFC, with final League positions already sorted it was effectively 3rd place verses 4th place and a free-flowing game followed that resulted in a narrow 21-20 victory confirming the double victories against our rivals.

After that inauspicious start, congratulation to the 1st XV for maintaining an interest in the League until late in the season. The major kicking duties went to Dave Leach who finished as Top Points Scorer (188-points with 5-tries, 56-conversions & 17-penalties). Top Try Scorer was undoubtedly Paul Hulland (15) with Tom Leach (11) and then Josh Phillips (8) not far behind.

With such a difficult and disrupted season, the 2nd XV only managed to play 2-matches with a lot of younger players and again we suffered with having to find a new and inexperienced Captain early in the season. The initial plan was that Kevin Shields was going to run the 2nd XV assisted by Oliver Price, but various personal issues prevented this plan and he resigned. Captaincy was somewhat ‘thrown’ at Oli, something he was not prepared for, and as a result only 2-matches were played, and very little development achieved.

Out of the blue, in mid-April, came a phone call that was to shape the destiny of Rugby in the area and Cleobury Mortimer RFC for ever! A familiar voice came on the line and said: ‘I bet you can’t guess who this is?’ Well Roddy Yapp has a distinctive voice, and our old Coach was instantly recognisable. The offer made was to ask if we were willing to operate a Colts side for the following season and that they wanted to be part of the whole Club – forward together. The back-story was that there had been some issues at Kidderminster Carolians RFC that meant Roddy was willing to leave and ‘go back up on the Hill’! However, the players all asked him where they were all going for the 2016/17 season, so Roddy wanted to find a community Club with good facilities within easy travelling distance and who would be willing to accept a new group. He felt this was an excellent opportunity to attract new players, but also offer marvellous chances for home grown youngsters to play Colt Rugby, the only potential issue was whether as a small Club, did we have the finance and volunteer resources to operate another team – the Committee whole-heartedly supported the proposals, and a new direction was decided. The project began with a friendly match Cleobury 1st XV v the Colts XV and after a couple of early scores for the dominant 1st XV pack it was then turned around by the blistering pace and quality of the Colts runners when they did have the ball. A victory to the youngsters certainly told the Cleobury squad that there were some excellent players here and so regular twice-weekly training commenced the following week, to continue throughout the summer of bonding.

As an example of the new way forward 2-teams were entered in the Shropshire County 7’s Tournament at Telford RFC in June. Another fine opportunity to bond together with victory in the Colts section while the Seniors lost in the Semi Final.