200 Club 14 of 25

14. 200 Club Newsletter Number 14 Mar 2018

Dear 200 Club Member,
Welcome to Newsletter number 14.
We held the February draw at our committee meeting last Thursday and it saw the second draw with the increased prizes, now £200, £100 and £50 monthly. NO COMMITTEE MEMBERS WON !!!!!!
The winners were :
£200 – Number 29 – Paddy Murphy
£100 – Number 134 – Rob Cunningham
£50 – Number 46 – Danny Pratt.
Just in time for the Rhinos Tour to Athens for Paddy and Danny.
The RRFC Executive requested some funding from the 200 Club and our committee approved the purchase of some new tables for the main hall. Also some vital equipment for Andy Silvey and his team to maintain the pitches and grounds in their very good state.
I have e-mailed a lot of members who paid cash this time last year to be in the big April draw. I and RRFC would really appreciate you rejoining. I have sent you the forms and would prefer you joining by standing order. Thanks in advance to all of you. We have filled number 200 and are now going back to fill the numbers where people have not taken up a membership. I think that by the next Newsletter we will have filled the 200 members. Do we then become a 250 Club??? I would welcome your views. Of course with more members come bigger prizes and more to RRFC. We need the 25 Cash Payers to maintain their membership. Please do so.
After the success of the Buffet lunch, we will be repeating it again next year on a date to be decided when we have the fixtures for next season.
If you know someone who is in charge of a section of the Rugby Club, now is the time to start thinking how the 200 Club can help you to afford your requirements for next season. We welcome requests from all sections of the club but they need to go through the Executive committee for prioritising. We want to help as many groups as possible to get those little extras that could make a difference.
The 1st XV play Abbey this Saturday and the kick off has been moved to 1.00 p.m. so that we can watch the local derby and then watch the 6 Nations’ Matches afterwards. The game is at Abbey RFC.
Not much else to report back this month. Enjoy the Six Nations matches and the RRFC matches.
Best wishes and thanks to all the new members who have joined the 200 Club, the Rugby Club is appreciative of our funding and thanks to all the members who now support the 200 Club.

Best wishes,
