Reserves 2013/2014
Season Archive 10 of 16

10. Reserves 2013/2014

A Familiar Story

Following on from their good end to the previous campaign, Braishfield Reserves went into the 2014/15 season in a realistic but confident mood.
Sadly a decline in numbers forced the Southampton League to axe Junior Division 6, so we found ourselves moved back up a level. With an excellent new pavillion and a number of new recruits from the Youth section we made a reasonable start but a poor run of form saw them overtaken and eventually finish 8th. The general consensus was this was rather dissapointing as a number of points were dropped against average opposition although in fairness there was (as usual) a number of narrow and unfortunate single goal defeats. However, in general (apart from the extreme wet weather and the games against New Forest!!) the season was an an enjoyable one with plenty of numbers available each week. Hopefully next season we can at last some a bit more consistency and secure an overdue top-half position. 

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